‘Camera Lucida’ – Enchanted

Welcome to the first week of your new photo journey:)

Camera Lucida - Enchanted
Camera Lucida – Enchanted

This week’s theme is: Enchanted

  1. under a spell; bewitched; magical
  2. utterly delighted or captivated; fascinated; charmed

How can you capture ‘enchanted’?

It can be a beautiful sunset that takes your imagination further…a hidden door that can lead to a dreamland…a fairy cupcake with magical powers…a place of your own that no one knows about…the one thing that captivates your attention and fascinates your creativity.

Share your magic:)

I took this picture recently and every time I glance at it…I see magic, an enchanted house with endless stories. The colours of the surroundings add more charm to the house itself, almost creating another world:) There was nothing special about this place until I’ve captured it in a picture… Now I think …”What if I would knock on its door?”

How to join us?

Follow your host and share each week your own vision of the theme.

Create a new post with the title CAMERA LUCIDA followed by the theme name.

The content of the post is completely down to you, share just the photo or be even more creative and tell us the story behind the scene, make it your own.

Feel free to use the ‘Your Gallery’ badge in your post and link back to the last Camera Lucida challenge or just leave a link to your post in the comment box.

Please upload your entry every week starting from Wednesday to ‘Your Gallery’ which I am hosting through InLinkz, by clicking on the badge.

You will have seven days to introduce your snapshot to everyone.

While visiting the exhibition please stop and appreciate the other artists, share honest feedback and be supportive.

At the end of each challenge I will share with you the first 10 entries which had the most visits and introduce you to their maker.

Camera Lucida - Your Gallery

An exhibition where your visual perception captures the world and gives life to a new story.






My Red Page © 2015 All rights Reserved

30 thoughts on “‘Camera Lucida’ – Enchanted”

  1. Julia, I truly hope I’m doing this correctly–so here goes!
    It’s the house in a heavily-wooded area just off the edge of the town I lived in as a child. The home, in all it’s shabby splendor, was occupied by a single woman. She was mysterious–there were many stories about her. She was young too–when I was about 13 I would guess she was around 26 years old–which at the time for a young teen was ancient! Nobody quite knew what she even did for a living, but the grounds surrounding the charming cottage were impeccable! She planted for the seasons. In the fall, the oranges and yellows of lilies and mums blended in so well with her tiny pumpkin plants. It was like the Cinderella fairy god mother house-if there even was one. During the winter, the holly shrubs displayed their bright red berries and she strung white lights on the trees and along the shrubbery.
    Spring was my favorite–especially during the weeks when the fragrant peonies blossomed. I was always tempted to run up and steal a few, but was afraid she would find me and get really, really angry. In the summer, the daisys and roses and other flowers would bloom. It kind of reminded me of a Monet painting.
    As I got older and moved away, I often thought about the little charming home and the mysterious woman who lived there. I was fortunate enough to go back home to attend the wedding of one of my friends who remained in town. I decided to take a walk down to the old enchanted house–just for a memory.
    What I didn’t expect was to come face to face with the woman who lived there. I stood outside the front of the house–just staring and being mesmerized by its sight and the garden that became even more beautiful after many years.
    I don’t know how long I stood there , deep in my thoughts, when the woman who lived there came out to the porch and asked me if I needed anything.
    Startled, I said “No..I’m just staring at the house and garden–It’s bringing back memories of when I was younger and used to pass by all the time”.
    She came closer. She was older than I, but beautiful and striking. Her eyes as green as the lawn–her skin wrinkle free!
    She invited me in for tea and we had a long conversation.
    It ended up that she had been married at the age of 21. She moved to the house with her husband; they were looking forward to starting a family. He was in a horrible car accident and died. She swore she would never love anyone else as much as she loved him. When she showed me pictures of them, I understood why. The look of love in his eyes was magical. I’ve never seen anyone look at another person the way he did in those photos. She never married. And she was fortunate enough that she had no financial worries. He left her in good shape.
    I asked her if she ever got lonely. She told me no. Her memories of him made her life complete, and happy.
    But the most interesting thing was that she said she never, ever got lonely because, other than her memories of her husband, any void was filled whenever she watched people passing by her little enchanted cottage and the happiness they received from her beautiful garden.
    She was right! I still think of that little home–I still think of the lushness of the garden–and if I’m feeling down, I am immediately taken to a happier place. THAT makes it the most enchanted home in the world!
    The end! Fin! Thank you for reading!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello, Thank you very much for your entry:)
      A very vivid story…some really good choice of words, well done!
      If you decide to join the challenge in the next few weeks as well, you can always create a separate post because your writing is really good and your readers should be able to have access and read your entries:)
      Thank you again, I’ve really enjoyed reading it!


  2. what beautiful image. I love the colour. the angular shapes of the roof and landscaping is broken by the occasional curve on the paving and flower beds. the looseness of the trees in the background keeps the whole garden from being just a little bit too controlled. I love the play of the different shades of green, yellow and brown. though Im not a photographer, I think you did a great job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for such a insightful description of my post, I really appreciate it:)
      I love this image and every time I look at that house…there is something magical about it!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you:)
      I’ve just finished Photo 101 and I thought to continue with a weekly photo challenge…
      Everyone who wants to join can upload the link of their post onto InLinkz:)

      Liked by 1 person

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