‘Camera Lucida’ – The Park Bench

Welcome to week #3 of Camera Lucida Photo Challenge:)

The Park Bench
The Park Bench

This week’s theme: The Park Bench

Throughout the years I’ve taken many pictures of benches…I don’t really have an explanation why, it was just something that lured my attention and it still does even today. What is more interesting to me, is that the bench is always empty.
I look through my collection and I always have the same feeling…it’s like each and every one of them is waiting for someone…
…it’s somehow lacking that human touch that gives its existence a purpose.
Does a bench represents anything to you?
This week I am inviting you to interpret the theme as you see fit…show us the last bench you’ve passed by, wood or metal, colourful or plain…empty or full!
Does it come with a story…if it does, we would love to read all about it:)

How to join us?

Follow your host and share each week your own vision of the theme.

Create a new post with the title CAMERA LUCIDA followed by the theme name.

The content of the post is completely down to you, share just the photo or be even more creative and tell us the story behind the scene, make it your own.

Feel free to use the ‘Your Gallery’ badge in your post and link back to the last Camera Lucida challenge or just leave a link to your post in the comment box.

Please upload your entry every week starting from Wednesday to ‘Your Gallery’ which I am hosting through InLinkz, by clicking on the ‘Your Gallery’ badge below.

You will have seven days to introduce your snapshot to everyone.

While visiting the exhibition please stop and appreciate the other artists, share honest feedback and be supportive.

At the end of each challenge I will share with you all the entries which were shown at the gallery and introduce you to their makers.

Camera Lucida - Your Gallery

An exhibition where your visual perception captures the world and gives life to a new story.

Here is a snapshot of last week’s theme and the beautiful interpretations of ‘Rose’

Thank you very much for all of your entries, hope you’ve had fun creating them…

I can proudly say that the Gallery had over 100 views….clap clap clap to YOU!

Let’s take a final look to your Rose Exhibition:

Jessica and https://wormwoodwriting.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/camera-lucida-rose/

Gun and https://gunroswell.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/the-rose-camera-lucida-photo-challenge/

Simply Snapshots and https://rimons33.wordpress.com/2015/07/17/wildrose/

Cheryl and https://strangevegetables.wordpress.com/2015/07/17/camera-lucida-rose/

Deb and https://onceuponahotflash.wordpress.com/2015/07/19/camera-lucida-rose/

Mark and https://any1mark66.wordpress.com/2015/07/19/camera-lucida-rose/

Terri and http://terriwebsterschrandt.com/2015/07/20/rosy-sunset/

Yen and https://xiaohuamaobiji.wordpress.com/2015/07/21/camera-lucida-rose/

Lovemissroan and https://journeywithroan.wordpress.com/2015/07/21/camera-lucida-enchanted/


Your Gallery Host,



My Red Page © 2015 All rights reserved

21 thoughts on “‘Camera Lucida’ – The Park Bench”

  1. Hi Julia. Hope my submission to this weeks Theme: The Park Bench has been completed successfully. Enjoying your Camera Lucida very much.

    Liked by 1 person

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