‘Black Blizzard’

Look down into the blizzard,

Let the storm snatch the light…

Take your thoughts with the tempest,

and shield your darkness without sight.

Dark sandstorm

This post is an entry to Jennifer‘s One Word Photo Challenge, this week’s theme is Sandstorm!

If you enjoy photography, take a moment and check out this challenge…I find it very interesting each week:)

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I would also like to link my post to Andy‘s Dark | Side | Thursday….a new challenge that keeps me coming back every week:)

Do you have a dark side? Would you like to share it?

Join us for a different kind of challenge…

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Why a poem?

Why photography?

These are questions sometimes I ask myself…

I guess I can embed my feelings and my thoughts in metaphorical expressions and visual perspectives…

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words…but deep feelings are hidden in well chosen words:)

How do you express yourself?

Your New Found Poet,



My Red Page © 2015 All rights reserved

9 thoughts on “‘Black Blizzard’”

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